We cannot do the work we do
without your support!
Programs and Services

NOFCC’s program and services are aimed at meeting the needs of the entire family and deal mainly with alleviating both the emotional and financial stress that families of children with cancer deal with on a daily basis.
In order to achieve its mission of enhancing the lives of children and their families coping with childhood cancer, NOFCC provides a variety of services, delivered through three core programs:
• Financial Assistance
• Educational supports
• Emotional Support and Advocacy
Financial Assistance Program
Emergency Program
Patient Amenities
Desjardins Tutoring Program
Parking Program
Transit Program
Accommodation Support
Telephone Program
Palliative Support Program
Benevolent Fund
Bone Marrow Transplant & Prolonged Treatment Protocol Patient Assistance
Keep Connected Program
Shine Bright Bursaries
Bursaries for post-secondary education for childhood cancer survivors, their siblings and siblings of children who have succumbed to cancer are available.
Special Events
Communication Program
Support Group
Group setting support is offered as needed, as well as bereavement support groups. Please contact NOFCC for more information.