Board Member Application Form Board Member Application Date * Nominated by * First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Phone Current Employer Address Work Title Employer phone Employer email Employer Contact Preference phone email Type of Business/Organization Education (Education | Training | Certificates) Please list boards and committees that you have served on in the past or are currently serving on (Organization | Role/Title | Duration): Have you received any awards or honours that you’d like to mention? How do you feel that NOFCC would benefit from your involvement on the Board of Directors? Skills, experience and interests: (Please check all the apply) Finance, accounting Personnel, Human Resources Administration, management Non-profit experience Community Service Policy Development Program Evaluation Advocacy Education, instruction Special Event Planning Grant writing, funding requests Fundraising Outreach Volunteer Management Other Please list any groups, organizations or businesses that you could serve as a liaison to on behalf of NOFCC. Please tell us anything else you would like to share about yourself: reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ Click to download Board Member Manual with Application Form Email Resume Please note that Board applications can also be downloaded, filled out and emailed to the office.